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This section of the website provides community observations derived from various public comments to the City Council regarding concerns with the City’s plans or with their process and approach in implementing and managing these plans.  It also provides specific recommendations that the community would like the City to consider for improving both plans and processes.


In addition it provides links to other individual postings dealing with observations and recommendations for consideration regarding Marina Development 

Observations & Recommendations (OR)


OR1 - New Plan – Move Hotel to North Lot
OR2 - “Right Sizing” Development
OR3 - Competing Interests - Marina vs Downtown
OR4 - Develop Parcel A

OR5 - Creek and Reflection Pond



Marina Development Study Session (1/26/2023)


On January 26 at 6pm, the Des Moines City Council will hold a Study Session regarding plans to develop the north parking area as well as the surrounding area down to the CSR boatyard.  This will be a significant meeting which is expected to present options to the City Council for development of the north Marina uplands.   The Mayor advised there will be no decisions made by the Council at the Study Session.  The proposals will be evaluated and brought forward for a decision at the February 2 Council meeting.

The Study Session will be held in City Council chambers. (21630 11th Ave So). This is where the best equipment is located to stream and record the meeting for the public.  Accommodations are being made for overflow attendees to use adjacent conference rooms where the meeting will be displayed on monitors. Public comment in the meeting is planned towards the end of the session after the presentation and discussion amongst Council members has occurred.  Individuals wanting to provide public comment will have 3 minutes to do so.  With a large crowd, there is likely to be a time limit for public comments.  For those unable to make comments in the meeting, you are encouraged to provide your written comments to the Council following the meeting during the week prior to the February 2 Council meeting. (Written comments to the Council can be submitted at:

These Marina Development proposals will affect the availability of public open space on the waterfront for our residents.  These will be “forevermore decisions.”  Please participate in the meeting and comments process.  We need to have a big presence!

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